Tuesday, July 22, 2008



I found this task very difficult and frustrating - I spent an entire afternoon trying to transfer my blog lines to my blog. I didn't realise that I only needed to post the http!!!

In fact while I'm on this tangent - I have found the instructions are very vague, it is assumed that everyone speaks and breaths computer talk. You almost need a computer glossary beside your PC.

I have done some searching on the Internet and have found 'Taurango City Libraries' 'Practical Application - How to create a Blog', really helpful - wished I had found it at the beginning. Maybe I wouldn't have attempted 3 separate blogs!!! Oh well it has been a learning curve.

1 comment:

Guess who!!!! said...

I haven't enjoyed this exercise - as I have found the instructions very vague - they assume that you knoe what you are doing and you know the language.

Wasted a whole afternoon trying to tranfer bloglines to my blog, when all they wanted was the http - urgh!!!