Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My thoughts on wiki.

Have posted comment on

It was ok - not a fan off putting myself out there.
Have used wikis for Open Polytechnic Study and have found them very useful.
Have looked at really found this quite interesting and informative, has a new layout that is easy on the eye and encourages the viewer to continue to read their wiki.

A wiki would be good attached to our website for feedback and ideas re our collection etc. Would be great for improved customer service.

Happy in Blogging

Vivy's Discovery

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Love Blogging!!!!! My thoughts on technology.

Negativity has left the computer. I was so resisted to the idea of blogging and thought it was a waste of time and effect. Boy was I wrong. Yes it can be frustrating but at the same time it captures your imagination and motivates you to stretch and discovery new skills - that will have you blogging into the night.

I have discovered new things on my laptop that I didn't know existed - it is more than a word processor.

I love how blogging crosses all age groups, genders and cultures. The library is alive with staff eager to talk, show and demonstrate their blogs. It's great to see this energy in the library and in the staff.

Vivy's thoughts on Library Thing

Love it - love books, love reading - love Library Thing. Appeals to the traditionalist role of a Librarian in a techno world. Can relate to this.

Vivy's Favourite Reads for July

Creating Rollyo

I have had the same problem, that I had in creating bloglines. Wasted so much time in creating Rollyo and pasting it to my blog. The instructions are so vague - had to ask Lucy to show me how to transfer my Rollyo. I am enjoying the creative side of blogging but I get really fustrated with the lack of clear instructions.

Search for sweet delights!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hit and miss

I feel like the flies in this cartoon - I'm still very unsure of what I'm doing. But I'm slowly getting there.

Blog Surprise:

Was watching 'Breakfast TV' while eating my bowl of Sultana Bran before catching the bus for work. Tne announcer was interviewing an academic who had carried out some research on how New Zealand uses the Internet, and one of the stats that she gave was - New Zealand was the second highest user of Blogs, after Iraq.

Well I may have to change my attitude towards Blogging and embrace it. It can't be that difficult if the rest of New Zealand is Blogging.

Watch out Blogging - here I come!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I found this task very difficult and frustrating - I spent an entire afternoon trying to transfer my blog lines to my blog. I didn't realise that I only needed to post the http!!!

In fact while I'm on this tangent - I have found the instructions are very vague, it is assumed that everyone speaks and breaths computer talk. You almost need a computer glossary beside your PC.

I have done some searching on the Internet and have found 'Taurango City Libraries' 'Practical Application - How to create a Blog', really helpful - wished I had found it at the beginning. Maybe I wouldn't have attempted 3 separate blogs!!! Oh well it has been a learning curve.