Wednesday, November 5, 2008


On line survey

Can't find the survey.
My thought on Web2 - it is all about social networking. There are elements of it that system we should be using i.e. library blog, a libray page in facebook, bebo, texting library information etc. The important thing with changing technology - is to be open and receptive to it. Knowledge is power - you don't need to use it yourself but you need to know about it and be able to offer it to patrons.

E Books

E Books what can I say! Books are more than just reading, they are a tactile experience. They feed the soul, by touching the pages of a book, smelling the book especially if new and if not new being able to visualise the reader before. The ability to read a book in the bath, in bed, while travelling, having a book in the bottom of your handbag. It is an intimate relationship

E books in my opinion are a cold way to access information, especially for relaxation.

I know ithey are popular with ypung people especially males - but I feel they are missing out.

Podcasting and video:

Have created a video in earlier post on this blog - of myself, my sister and my mother. I enjoyed doing it but won't re-create this exercise as I'm pushed for time and time waits for no man (woman).

Bebo and Facebook

Bebo and Facebook
I use Facebook to keep in tourch with my son who is overseas. I have an account so I can access his page, but have not put anything on my face. I am a very private person and choose who I disclose information to. I personally feel people give out to much information and it at times must feel as if people are rummaging through your knicker drawer.
I've found this really fustrating as it keep shutting down on me, d'not know why. I've broadband at home so it should work. Am really fustrated with it and want to throw it out of the window.